Natural immunity and protecting children
Covid is far less serious for children, long-covid is not a big issue and many also have natural immunity – all of which raises questions over whether children […]
Covid is far less serious for children, long-covid is not a big issue and many also have natural immunity – all of which raises questions over whether children […]
A recently published extensive systematic review showed a 28% reduction in mental health service use in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic among children and young people. […]
There are several theoretical reasons for implementing vaccine passports but now that none of these apply any longer in the UK it is difficult to see a rationale […]
Many factors influence decisions about vaccine use including many ‘unknowns’ and this raises questions about the wisdom of targeting young people and recommending boosters for everyone, explains Allyson […]
There was no evidence that mass testing stopped or prevented the transmission of covid-19, according to Professor Allyson Pollock, Clinical Professor of Public Health, Newcastle University. “Mass testing […]
As the coronavirus pandemic appears to be running out of steam it is important to review the lessons learned and move forward to ‘living with the virus’. IMI […]
Communities in the North West of England experienced more than three times the excess years of life lost in the South West. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic […]
Pre-pandemic physiological data can help predict how individuals coped with the psychological strain many suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study published in the journal Psychophysiology. […]